For the past two years, Farmer in Odell has had chickens for sale. Frozen chickens that we raised here on our farm. We'd planned on also having some this year - it's even in the brochure telling people what they'll see and what's available at each farm this year.
Unfortunately, we tried a new feed for the first few weeks we had the chicks and they didn't grow much. So we've made the decision to put off processing them for a couple of weeks to give them time to grow into decent dinner-sized birds, but that means they will not be ready for the Farm Crawl.
Here's the good news: Antiquity Oaks is raising heritage Plymouth Rock chickens and they WILL be ready for sale at the Farm Crawl. A whole bird will be $4.50/pound and a cut-up chicken will be $4.90. If you're planning on buying any, be sure to bring a cooler with you!